Volunteers are always welcome within our organization! If you have an interest in volunteering for CODA, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteercoordinator@codaterrehaute.org.
Areas for volunteering include:
- Answering hotline calls
- Yard work at the shelter
- Running groups in the shelter
- Cleaning within the shelter
- Going to community events on behalf of CODA
- Providing peer support for DV and SA survivors
- Helping with fundraising efforts
- And SO much more!
We love having interns at CODA! If an internship is something that you need for your schooling, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at sbutler@codaterrehaute.org.

CODA works with all area colleges, universities, and technical schools to provide intern opportunities. Many of our interns eventually become CODA staff members. Each intern receives a comprehensive view of the dynamics of domestic abuse.
Please contact us the semester before an internship is desired, or as early in the semester as possible due to limited spots being available.
Intern duties typically include:
- Working in the legal advocacy office
- Filing
- Answering hotline calls
- Tending to resident needs
- Running groups in the shelter
- Managing donations
- Cleaning within the shelter
- Conducting room checks
- Creating flyers and documents
- Going to community events on behalf of CODA
- And SO much more!