What to expect if you come to our emergency shelter:
- Safe location: Safety is our first priority. All doors and windows are locked and security cameras are always on and monitored.
- No fees: Our shelter and all services are always free.
- Transportation: If you do not have transportation, ask about how we can help you find transportation to the shelter. Once you are here, we are often able to help provide bus passes and help with transportation.
- Children’s safety: As advocates, we understand that children are also impacted by domestic violence. We have a full-time children advocate to work with you and your children, offering support, information and parenting resources. Domestic violence programs are mandated reporters of child abuse.
- Self-provided childcare: Your children will be under your watch and care at all times. Child care may be provided during groups and other activities.
- Pet safety: Our shelter is pet-friendly. Please tell the advocate on the phone if you have a pet and ask if we are able to accommodate your pet.
- Confidentiality: Your information will be private and will not be shared with other agencies unless you give specific, written permission. You will be asked to honor the privacy of other program participants by not discussing their names or situations with anyone else.
- Sleeping arrangements: You will share common areas with other program participants and will likely share a bedroom as well. Common areas include the kitchen, laundry, common living areas and bathrooms.
- Visitors: Our shelter does not allow visitors inside the shelter except from case managers from wraparound services including: DCS, Hamilton Center, Children’s Bureau, etc.
- Items to bring: Only two bags are allowed to be brought to shelter due to a lack of storage space in shelter bedrooms.